Will the court require you to pay manimony?

If you are in the process of a divorce and earn substantially more than your husband, the possibility exists that he may ask for spousal support and the court may order you to pay it to him. Wife.org relates that manimony has become the buzz word for this growing type of spousal maintenance. 

Only about 15% of U.S. divorces currently result in spousal maintenance awards to the husband. This percentage is sure to increase, however, as husband and wife roles continue to evolve. For instance, even seven years ago, women represented the major or only breadwinner in 40% of American households. In addition, more than 2 million husbands now say home with the kids while their wives work to support the family. 

Manimony factors 

Should your husband ask the court to award him manimony, the court will take the following into consideration before awarding it to him: 

  • The amount of your annual earnings as opposed to his 
  • The amount of earning potential each of you has and the disparity, if any, that exists between you 
  • Your educational level as opposed to his 
  • Whether or not he could improve his earning potential if he goes back to school or undertakes additional training 
  • The amount, if any, of his nonfinancial contributions to your marriage 
  • The length of your marriage 

Manimony duration 

Most spousal support awards, including those for manimony, last no longer than 10 years maximum. You can also expect yours to stop early if your former husband remarries and/or finishes his education or training prior to the end of the court-imposed manimony period. 
